Vasario 20 d. 18:30 val. VU Istorijos fakulteto 332 aud. (III aukštas) įvyks dokumentinio filmo apie įvykius Ukrainoje “Stipresni nei ginklai” (СИЛЬНІШЕ, НІЖ ЗБРОЯ, 2014) peržiūra ir susitikimas su filmo bendraautore, Ukrainos pilietinės kino kūrėjų iniciatyvos Babylon 13 įkūrėja Larisa Artiugina. Susitikime su režisiere dalyvaus žurnalistas, Istorijos fakulteto Alumni draugijos pirmininkas Vytautas Bruveris ir Istorijos fakulteto lektorė dr. Lina Kaminskaitė-Jančorienė.
“Stipresni nei ginklai” – tai naujausias ukrainiečių dokumentinis filmas, skirtas skausmingiems įvykiams Ukrainoje paminėti. Pokalbio metu Larisa Artiugina dalinsis įspūdžiais apie buvusią / esamą padėtį Ukrainoje ir kino kūrėjų, dirbančių sudėtingomis karo sąlygomis, misiją.
Documentary Film
Ukraine / 2014 / 78 minutes
«Stronger than arms» is the first full length documentary by #BABYLON'13. Premiere in Zaporizhia at the 4th of December.
«Stronger than arms» is our history that heats hearts up. Remembering events and people, who from the time of EuroMaidan to the war in the East are building a new Ukraine.
«Stronger than arms» shows the evolution of Ukrainian realities from the spontaneous attempt to capture the Administration of the President on December 1 to the bloody battles continuing today in the ruins of Donetsk airport. It gives a chance to the viewer to feel the uplifting and desperation of the Maidan and the war in the Eastern Ukraine.
Trailer -
On November 21, 2013 Ukraine’s European choice was quashed by Victor Yanukovych, continuing his government’s offensive on the young institutions of Ukrainian liberty and democracy. Ukrainian society had no other choice but to unite and act to defend its freedoms and aspirations.
Ukrainian filmmakers, an intrinsic part of that society, became an integral part of the struggle. When people on the Maidan began putting up tents and building barricades, ten Ukrainian filmmaking veterans created Babylon’13 to provide a better understanding of what was going on around them so as to cultivate the growth of civil society. Babylon’13 became the cinema of a civil protest, allowing millions to reflect upon the crucial role they could play in building a new Ukraine. Films about the extraordinary actions of ordinary Ukrainians helped facilitate a change in the mindset of everyday people inculcating fairness and justice.
Despite the challenges of a revolution, an occupation and a war that work continues today. A creative and diverse team of over 40 people united around this mission, including enthusiastic film students who are on par with award-winning masters of cinema. Babylon’13 also joined forces with a number of Ukrainian civic and media organizations, such as HromadskeTV, Euromaidan SOS, Centre UA, AutoMaidan and others. This cooperation resulted in a series of documentaries, co-produced with television station 1+1, entitled “The Winter that Changed Us All.” Through stories of individuals and their initiatives during the past seven months, we revealed the fundamental transformation of the nation of Ukraine
We have produced over 170 films and documented over 1000 hours of the events surrounding the “Revolution of Dignity.” That work has attracted an impressive and constantly growing audience given the innovative format of openly available web documentaries. Our films on YouTube have received more than 5 500 000 views and more than 30 000 subscribers facilitating a truly global audience. Popular and reputable international networks took notice, including CNN, AlJazzera, ITN and others who broadcasted our films, allowing the story of the formation of Ukrainian civil society to be told to an even wider audience. As Ukraine and the world kept watching, members of our team were invited to over 300 screenings, events and festivals in dozens of countries and were awarded for their civic and cinematic achievements.
Although history has presented several challenges, Ukrainians are starting to build a powerful and lasting civil society. Yet, the true revolution of mind will happen only when tens of millions of Ukrainians will be able to reflect on their individual and collective station in life so as to bring about a new democratic and prosperous future. Storytelling through film is that something that will motivate this reflection and facilitate a new personal and national respect.
This is the mission that drives Babylon’13 forward.
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