Mokslo publikacijos
- Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė, "Margins or Nodes? The Role of the Inner Asian Mountain Communities in Prehistoric Food Globalization", in: OHB of Mountain Archaeology, Oxford University Press, 2024, DOI: 1093/oxfordhb/9780197608005.013.26.
- Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė, "Broomcorn millet: From Past to Future", in: Archaeology of Food and Foodways, 2024, DOI:
- Shinya Shoda et al., "Steppe Nomads and Millet Porridge", in: New Developments in Archaeological Sciences in East Asia, eds. Yoneda M., Sasaki Y., Gakuhari T., Tokyo: Yuzankaku, 2024, p. 88-96. (in Japanese), ISBN: 9784639029700
- Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė et al., "A Brief History of Broomcorn Millet Cultivation in Lithuania", in: MDPI Agronomy, 2023, 13(8), 2171, DOI:
- Paula N. Doumani Dupuy et al., "A Wooly Way? 3000-Year-Old Textiles along the Inner Asian Mountain Corridor", in: Frontiers in Ecology And Evolution, 2023, 10:1070775, DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2022.1070775
- Taylor Randoplh Hermes et al., "Carbon and Oxygen Stable Isotopic Evidence for Diverse Sheep and Goat Husbandry Strategies amid a Final Bronze Age Farming Milieu in the Kyrgyz Tian Shan", in: International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 2022, 32 (4): 792–803, DOI:
- Marta Dal Corso et al., "Between cereal agriculture and animal husbandry – Millet in the early economy of the North Pontic area", in: World Archaeology, 2022, DOI:
- Elise Luneau et al., "Assessing variability in the Andronovo ceramic production of northern Kyrgyzstan in the light of social complexity, economy and mobility", in: Eurasia Antiqua, 24, 2018 (2022).
Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė et al., "The resilience of pioneer crops in the highlands of Central Asia: archaeobotanical investigation at the Chap II site in Kyrgyzstan", in: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, 2022.
Vida Indrulėnitė-Šimanauskienė et al., "Rusų gatvės 5 Vilniuje gyventojų mityba ir paleoaplinka (XVI-XVIII amžiais) archeobotaninių tyrimų bei istorinių šaltinių duomenimis", in: Archaeologia Lituana, 2022, t. 23.
Rūta Karaliūtė et al., "The dietary stories of one household: multiproxy study of food remains at Dominikonų St. 11 in Vilnius between AD 15-18th", in: Journal of Danish Archaeology, 2022, vol. 12, p. 1–23.
Micheal Spate et al., "Reviewing the Palaeoenvironmental Record to Better Understand Long-Term Human-Environment Interaction in Inner Asia During the Late Holocene", in: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2022.
Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė et al., "The earliest evidence of millet integration into the diet of Central Asian populations", in: Antiquity, 2022, DOI:
Taylor Randoplh Hermes et al., "Carbon and oxygen stable isotopic evidence for diverse sheep and goat husbandry strategies amid a Final Bronze Age farming milieu in the Kyrgyz Tian Shan", in: International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 2022, DOI:
Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė et al., "Interpreting Diachronic Size Variation in Prehistoric Central Asian Cereal Grains", in: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2021, DOI: (impact 4.1710).
Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė et al., "The first comprehensive archaeobotanical analysis of prehistoric agriculture in Kyrgyzstan", in: Vegetation History and Archaeobot, 2021, DOI: (impact 2.669)
Marta Dal Corso et al., "Between cereal agriculture and animal husbandry – Millet in the early economy of the North Pontic area", in: World Archaeology, 2021.
Robert N. Spengler et al., "An Imagined Past? Nomadic Narratives in Central Eurasian Archaeology", in: Current Anthropology 62,3: 251-286, 2021, DOI: 10.1086/714245
Lynne M. Rouse et al., "Exploring landscape archaeology and UAV-based site survey in the Kochkor Valley, Kyrgyzstan", in: Journal of Field Archaeology, 2021, DOI:
Songül Alpaslan-Roodenberg et al., "Ethics of DNA research on human remains: five globally applicable guidelines", in: Nature 599, 41–46, 2021, DOI:
Melissa Ritchey et al., "The Wind that Shakes the Barley: Grain size and plastic responses to eastern environments and cooking", in: World Archaeology, 53, 2021, DOI:
Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė et al., "Interpreting Diachronic Size Variation in Prehistoric Central Asian Cereal Grains", in: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2021, DOI: (impact 4.1710).
Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė et al., "The first comprehensive archaeobotanical analysis of prehistoric agriculture in Kyrgyzstan", in: Vegetation History and Archaeobot, 2021, DOI: (impact 2.669)
Robert N. Spengler et al., "An Imagined Past? Nomadic Narratives in Central Eurasian Archaeology", in: Current Anthropology, 62,3: 251-286, 2021. DOI: 10.1086/714245
Lynne M. Rouse et al., "Exploring landscape archaeology and UAV-based site survey in the Kochkor Valley, Kyrgyzstan", in: Journal of Field Archaeology, 2021, DOI:
Dario Piombino-Mascali et al., "A bioarchaeological approach for the examination of two Lithuanian clergymen: Juozapas Arnulfas Giedraitis and Simonas Mykolas Giedraitis (18th–19th centuries AD)", in: International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 2021, DOI:
Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė et al., "Prehistoric Agriculture in China: Food Globalization in Prehistory", in: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Science, 2021, DOI:
Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė et al. "FROM BRONZE AGE HILLFORT TO CAPITAL CITY. New radiocarbon dates and the first archaeobotanical investigation at the Vilnius Castle Hill", in: Acta Archaeologia, vol. 91, 2020, DOI:
Elise Luneau et al., "Bronze Age pottery from northern Kyrgyzstan: New Prospects in Assessing Variability in the Andronovo Ceramic Production", in: Eurasia Antiqua, 2020.
Lynne M. Rouse et al., "Exploring landscape archaeology and UAV-based site survey in the Kochkor Valley, Kyrgyzstan", in: Journal of Field Archaeology, 47,1, 2020, DOI:
Giedrė Motuzaitė Motuzevičiūtė et al., "A package of southwest Asian grain crops facilitated high-elevation agriculture in the central Tien Shan during the mid-third millennium BCE", in: PlosOne, 2020. DOI: 1101/2020.02.06.936765
Yu Itahashi et al., "Dietary diversity of Bronze-Iron Age populations of Kazakhstan quantitatively estimated through the compound-specific nitrogen analysis of amino acids", in: Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 33,102565, 2020, DOI:
Elina Ananyevskaya et al., "Specialized wool production economy of prehistoric farmstead of Chap I in the highlands of Central Tian Shan (Kyrgyzstan)", in: International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 2020, DOI:
Taylor R. Hermes et al., "High mitochondrial diversity of domesticated goats persisted among Bronze and Iron Age pastoralists in the Inner Asian Mountain Corridor", in: PlosOne, 2020, DOI:
Elina Ananyevskaya et al., "Isotopic niche modelling reveals the breadth of variation in exploited resources by the Bronze Age to Medieval communities of North Central Asia", in: Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 34, A: 102615, 2020, DOI:
Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė et al., "The adoption of agriculture: archaeobotanical studies and the earliest evidence for domesticated plants", in: eds. M.C. Lillie & I. D. Potekhina, The prehistoric Ukraine. From the first hunter to the fist farmers, p. 309-325, Oxbow books: Oxford, 2020. ISBN 978-1-78925-458-7.
Elise Luneau et al., "Drenvie I Srednevekovye Kultury Centralnoi Azii. Stanovlenie, Razvitie I vzaimnodeistvie urbanizirovannykh I skotovodcheskikh obschestv. Sankt Peterburg", in: Ancient and Medieval Cultures of Central Asia (the Formation, Development and Interaction of Urbanized and Cattle-Breeding Societes, ed. V. P. Nikonorov et al., p. 134-137, St. Petersburg, 2020, DOI: 10.31600/978-5-907298-09-5
Mindaugas Grikpėdis et al., "From barley to buckwheat: Plants cultivated in the Eastern Baltic region until the 13th-14th century AD", in: eds. S. Vanhanen & P. Lagerås, Archaeobotanical studies of past plant cultivation in northern Europe, Advances in Archaeobotany. Barkhuis: Netherlands, 2020.
Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė et al., "Prehistoric Agriculture in China: Food Globalisation in Prehistory", in: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Science, Oxford University Press: New York, 2020, 10.1093/acrefore/9780199389414.013.168
- Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė et al., "High-Altitude Agro-Pastoralism in the Kyrgyz Tien Shan: New Excavations of the Chap Farmstead (1065-825 CAL B.C.)", in: Journal of Field Archeology 45,8, 2019, DOI:
Lucas Stephens et al., "Archaeological assesment reveals Earth’s early transformation though land use", in: Science 365: 897-205, 2019.
Laurent A. Frantz et al., "Ancient pigs reveal a near-coplete genomic turnover following their introduction to Europe", in: PNAS, 116 (35): 17231-17238, 2019.
Xinyi Liu et al., "From ecological opportunism to multi-cropping: Mapping food globalisation in prehistory", in: Quaternary Science Reviews, 206: 21-28, 2019, DOI:
Giedrė Matuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė et al., "The effect of geographical margins on cereal grain size variation: Case study for highlands of Kyrgyzstan", in: Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 20: 400-410, 2018, DOI:
Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė et al., "Kaip archeologai rekonstruoja ką valgėme? Eksperimentinė archeologija", in: Lietuvos materialaus paveldo rekonstrukcija. II tomas, sud. D. Luchtanienė, Akademinė leidyba: Vilnius, 2018
Elina Ananyevskaya et al., "Early indicators to C4 plant consumption in central Kazakhstan during the Final Bronze Age and Early Iron Age based on stable isotope analysis of human and animal bone collagen", in: Archaeological Research in Asia, 2017, DOI:
Xinyi Liu et al., "Journey to the east: wheat and barley took different pathways, and faced different environmental challenges, on the way to prehistoric China", in: Plos1 12(11), 2017. 1371/journal.pone.0187405
Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė, "Living on the lake and farming the land. Archaeobotanical investigation of Luokesas I lake dwelling site", in: Lietuvos Archeologija, 30, 2017, p. 123-138.
Mindaugas Grikpėdis et al., "A Review of the Earliest Evidence of Agriculture in Lithuania and the Earliest Direct AMS Date on Cereal", in: European Journal of Archaeology, 21,2: 264-279, 2017. DOI: 10.1017/eaa.2017.36.
- Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė et al., "Archaeobotanical Investigations of a Burnt-down Storage Shed in the Civitas Rutenica Quarter: An Insight into the Daily Lives of Foreigners in Vilnius in the Late Fourteenth Century - the First Half of the Fifteenth Century", in: Lituanistica, 63 (4), 2017, p. 2019-222, DOI:
- Mindaugas Grikpėdis et al., "The beginning of rye (Secale cerale) in the East Baltics", in: Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 25, 6, 2016, DOI:1007/s00334-016-0587-6
Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė et al., "Climate or dietary change? Stable isotope analysis of Neolithic-Bronze Age populations from the Upper Ob and Tobol River basins", in: Holocene 26, 10: 1711-1721, 2016, DOI:
Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė et al., "The first OSL dating results of the ancient geometric earthworks of Kazakhstan", in: Archaeological Research in Asia, 7: 1-7, 2016, DOI:
Xinyi Liu et al., "The virtues of small grain size: Potential pathways to a distinguishing feature of Asian wheats", in: Quaternary International 426: 107-119, 2016, DOI:
Xinyi Liu et al., "Radical change and dietary conservatism: Mixing model estimates of human diets along the Inner Asia and China’s mountain corridors", in: Holocene 26, 10: 1556-1565, 2016, DOI:
Martin Jones et al., "Food globalisation in prehistory: The agrarian foundations of an interconnected continent", in: Journal of British Academy 4, 2016, p. 73-87, DOI: 5871/jba/004.073
Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė et al., "First farmers of Ukraine: based on AMS dates of wheat grains from Ratniv-II site", in: Archeologia Lituana 17, 2016, p. 100-111, DOI:
Г. Мотузайте Матузевичуйте, "Рацион питания населения Каратумы, определенный с помощью анализа костного коллагена", Байпаков К.М., Воякин Д.А., Захаров С.В. Могильник Каратума. Некрополь раннего железного века в Семиречье, Алматы: ТОО «Археологическая экспертиза», 2016. Приложение 3, С. 623-633.Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė et al., "AMS radiocarbon dating from the Neolithic of Eastern Ukraine casts doubts on existing chronologies", in: Radiocarbon 57,4: 657-664, 2015, DOI: 10.2458/azu_rc.57.18438
Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė et al., "Ecology and subsistence at the Mesolithic and Bronze Age site of Aigyrzhal-2, Naryn Valley, Kyrgyzstan", in: Quaternary International 437: 35-49, 2015, DOI:
Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė et al., "Securing the Timeline of our Past: Concerns and Perspectives of Radiocarbon Dating in the east Baltic", in: Interarchaeologia, 5, 2015, p. 227-243.
Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė, "On identity of prehistoric lake dwellers in Lithuania", in: Interarchaeologia 4, 2015, p. 93-104.
Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė et al., "The extent of agriculture among pastoralist societies in Kazakhstan determined using stable isotope analysis of bone collagen during the Bronze Age-Turkic period", in: Journal of Archaeological Science 59: 23-34, 2015, DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2015.03.029
A. Tsybrii et al."Novye issledovaniya poseleniya Rakushechnyi Yar v 2008-2013 g.g.", in: Samarskii Nauchnyi Vestnik 3, 8: 203-214, 2014.
A. Abdykanova, et al., "Novyi pamyatnik kamennogo veka Aigyrzhal-2 (Kyrgyzstan, Narynskaya oblast). Dialog kultur Evrazii v arkheologii Kazakhstana", in: Materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferencii, posvyaschenoi 90-letiyu K.A. Akisheva, April 22-24, 2014, Astana, Kazakhstan, p. 147-160.
Xinyi Liu et al., "From necessity to choice: dietary revolutions in west China in the second millennium BC", in: World Archaeology, 46, 5: 661-680, 2014, DOI:
Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė, "Neolithic of Ukraine: a Review of Theoretical and Chronological Interpretations", in: Archaeologia Baltica, 20, 2014, p. 136-149.
Emma Lightfoot et al., "How ‘Pastoral’ is Pastoralism? Dietary Diversity in Bronze Age Communities in the Central Kazakhstan Steppes", in: Archaeometry, 57: 232–249, 2014, DOI:
Aurélie Salavert et al., "First results of archaeobotanical analysis from Neolithic layers of Buran Kaya IV (Crimea Mountains, Ukraine)", in: Environmental Archaeology, 20, 3: 274-282, 2014, DOI:
Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė, "Stabiliųjų izotopų analizės metodas ir jo panaudojimas archeologijoje", in: (ed.) A. Merkevičius: Moksliniai metodai archeologijoje, 2014.
Guanghui Dong et al., "A Comparative Study of 14C Dating on Charcoal and Charred Seeds from Late Neolithic and Bronze Age Sites in Gansu and Qinghai Provinces, NW China", in: Radiocarbon 56, 1: 157-163, 2014, DOI: 10.2458/56.16507
Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė et al., "The early chronology of broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum) in Europe", in: Antiquity 87, 338, p. 1073-1085, 2013, DOI:
Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė et al., "Miliacin in palaeosols from an Early Iron Age in Ukraine reveal in situ cultivation of broomcorn millet", in: Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 8,1, p. 43-50, 2013, DOI:
Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė et al., "The Earliest Evidence of Cereal Cultivation in Crimea: Archaeobotanical Investigation and Direct Radiocarbon Dating Of Cereal Grains", in: Journal of Field Archaeology, 38, 2, p. 120-128, 2013.
Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė et al., "Archaeobotanical investigation of two Scythian-Sarmatian period pits in eastern Ukraine: Implications for floodplain cereal cultivation", in: Journal of Field Archaeology 38,2, p. 51-61, 2013, DOI:
Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė et al., "The earliest appearance of domesticated plant species and their origins in the western fringes of the Eurasian Steppe", in: Documenta Praehistorica, XXXIX, p. 1-21, 2012, DOI:
Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė et al., "Experimental approaches to understanding variation in grain size in Panicum miliaceum (broomcorn millet) and its relevance for interpreting archaeobotanical assemblages", in: Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 21,1, p. 69–77, January 2012. DOI:
Martin Jones et al., "Food globalisation in prehistory, in: World Archaeology", 43,4, p. 665–675, December 2011, DOI:
Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė et al., "Keramika i zemledelie ili tolka keramika? Osobennosti neolita basseina Severskogo Dontsa (po materialam neoliticheskikh poselenii Vostochnoi Ukrainy Starobelsk-I i Novoselovka-III)", in: Vzaimodeistvie i khronologiya kultur mezolita i neolita vostochnoi evropy. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferencii, posveschyannoi 100-letiyu N. N. Gurinoi, p. 143-145.
Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė et al., "Multiple sources for Neolithic European agriculture: Geographical origins of early domesticates in Moldova and Ukraine", in: eds. P. Dolukhanov, G. R. Sarson, A. M. Shukurov, The East European Plain on the Eve of Agriculture, BAR International Series S1964, Archaeopress: Oxford, 2009, p. 53-64.
Harriet Hunt et al., "Millets across Eurasia: chronology and context of early records of the genera Panicum and Setaria from archaeological sites in the Old World", in: Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, 17, 5, p. 5-18, 2008. 1007/s00334-008-0187-1
Giedrė Motuzaitė Matuzevičiūtė, "Living above the water or dryland? The application of soil analysis methods to investigate a submerged Bronze-Early Iron Age lake dwelling site in eastern Lithuania", in: Archaeologica Baltica, 9, 2008, p. 33-46
Francesco Menotti et al., "The First Lake-Dwellers of Lithuania: Late Bronze Age Pile Settlements on Lake Luokesas", in: Oxford Journal of Archaeology, 24, 4: p. 381-403, 2005, DOI:
Mokslo projektai
Tarptautiniai projektai:
Vykdoma: 2023–2028.
Veikla projekte: Vadovė.
- SOUP: Scientific Collaboration Building through Organic Residue Analysis of Ukrainian Prehistoric Potter.
Finansavimo šaltinis: MITSUBISHI fondas
Vadovas: Shinya Shoda
Veikla projekte: Tyrėja
- Fields under the Hoof: A comparative analysis of crop cultivation investment and labor strategies of communities in Inner Asia (3rd-1st mil. BC)
Finansavimo šaltinis: National Science Foundation of the USA.
Vykdoma: 2022–2027.
Vadovė: Melissa Ritchey.
Veikla projekte: Tyrėja.
- Crops, pollinators and people: the long-term dynamics of a critical symbiosis
Vykdyta: 2017–2022.
Vadovas: Martin K. Jones.
Veikla projekte: Ekspertė.
- National Science Foundation The origins and spread of millet cultivation
Vykdyta: 2018–2021.
Vadovas: X. Liu.
Veikla projekte: Tyrėja.
- The first pastoralist of Tien Shan JSPS KAKENHI 17H04533
Vykdyta: 2015–2021.
Vadovas: Kume Shogo.
Veikla projekte: Tyrėja.
- КӨПІР : Knowledge Transfer on the Methodology and Practice of Investigation, Recording and Conservation of Archaeological Remains
Vykdyta: 2019–2020.
Veikla projekte: Patarėja.
- Leverhumo projektas (Kembridžo universitete): Pan Azijinio kontakto pionieriai (Pioneers of Pan-Asian Contact)
Vykdyta: 2010–2013.
Veikla: Pagrindinė vykdytoja.
- Neolito-Bronzos amžiaus populiacijų paleomitybos analizė Altajaus regione, pietiniame Sibire, Rusijoje
Finansavimo šaltinis: McDonald‘o archeologinių tyrimų institutas, Kembridžo universitetas.
Vykdyta: 2011.
Veikla projekte: Pagrindinė vykdytoja.
- HORIZON ERC projektas: Food globalisation in Prehistory, University of Cambridge.
Vykdyta: 2011
Veikla projekte: Tyrėja
Nacionaliniai projektai:
- XIII-XVIIII a. Vilniaus gyventojų bioarcheologinė charakteristika ir jos raida
Vykdoma: 2023–2026.
Vadovas: R. Jankauskas (Vilniaus universitetas).
Veikla projekte: Tyrėja.
- Paribiai ar centrai? Mitybos adaptacijos strategijos ir Vidurio Azijos kalnų priešistorinių bendruomenių reikšmė maisto globalizacijai
Finansavimo šaltinis: 2014–2020 Europos Sąjungos fondų investicijos Lietuvoje.
Programa: priemonės mokslininkų, kitų tyrėjų, studentų mokslinės kompetencijos ugdymas per praktinę mokslinę veiklą 9 prioritetas Visuomenės švietimas ir žmogiškųjų išteklių potencialo didinimas.
Vykdyta: 2018–2021.
Veikla projekte: Vadovė.
- Maisto globalizacijos pradžia Eurazijos stepėmis: pirmieji rytų vakarų kontaktai ir jų pasekmės
Finansavimo šaltinis: Lietuvos mokslo taryba.
Programa: podoktorantūros stažuotės.
Vykdyta: 2013–2015.
Veikla projekte: Stažuotoja.
Kviestiniai pranešimai
- 2023, ISBA 10, Estonian National Museum: Biomolecular approach to millet journey across time and space.
2020, Keynote: Belt and Road Lecture series. Fudan University, China: Human-landscape Interactions and Environmental Adaptation across Eurasia.
2020, Lecture at Max Plank institute, Germany: The ancient millet roads out of China.
2019, German Archaeological Institute, Berlin. Who Controls the Steppe? Territorialism and social complexity as seen through the geoglyphs of northern Kazakhstan.
2018, Royal University of Bhutan: The antiquity of the Great Silk Road.
2017, National Research Institute for Cultural Properties in Nara, Japan: Before the Silk Road: Food networks in prehistory.
2017, Tokyo University, Japan: Tracking down Ancient crop dispersal across Eurasia.
2015, ORMIL (Millet cultivation in Caucasus), Lyon, France: A review of the newest accounts on Chinese millets in European and central Asian Prehistory.
2015, German Archaeological Institute, Berlin, Germany: The earliest evidence of crop consumption in Tian Shan: based on stable isotope analysis, archaeobotany and AMS 14C dating.
Vadovavimas doktorantams, podoktorantūros stažuotojams
Vadovavimas doktorantams:
- Kyriaki Karanikola, Social and environmental aspects of millet use through time via archaeobotanical research in Central Europe, nuo 2023 m.
- Meiirzhan Abdrakhmanov, Millet Cultivation and Climate Change in Central and Northeastern Europe: A Study of Miliacin Biomarker and ??? Isotope, nuo 2023 m.
- Rūta Karaliūtė, Diachroninė agrarinės raidos analizė urbanizuotose erdvėse: XIV–XVII a. pab. Vilniaus miesto pavyzdys, nuo 2022.
- Elina Ananyevskaya, Economy of the Kazakh steppe populations during the construction of geoglyphs in Turgai region, Kazakhstan, 2020.
- Mindaugas Grikpėdis, Kultūrinių augalų kilmė Rytų Baltijos regijono kontekste, 2021.
Ekspertinė veikla
- 2022 m. projekto MEROS: (Mutual Engagement in aechaeological heritage and Science), Uzbekistan-Japan (Nara National Research Institute for Cultural Properties) patarėja
- 2020–2025 expert in Scientific Archaeological committee of Lithuania (Ministry of Cultural Heritage).
- 2020 Advisory committee on Leverhulme grant, PI Martin K. Jones: Crops, pollinators and people: the long-term dynamics of a critical symbiosis.
- 2020–2023 Advisory board of KORIP project (Joint Japanese-Kazakhstani project).
- From 2018 UNESCO expert: "Agriculture and Gastronomy" UNESCO Interactive Atlas of Cultural Interactions along the Silk Road.
- From 2017 ICOMOS & ICAHM expert
Mokslo leidinių redakcinės kolegijos
Užsienio šalių leidiniai:
- Millet and Pseudocereals: New Insights into Archaeobotany, Plant Domestication and Global Foodways (specialus numeris)
Veikla: Redaktorė (kartu su Xinyi Liu).
- Fronties in Ecology and Wvolution: Effects of Novel Environments on Domesticated Species (specialus numeris)
Veikla: Redaktorė (kartu su Shinya Shoda, Petra Vaigilova, Xinyi Liu).
- Archaeology and Early History of Ukraine
Veikla: Narė.
Mokslo ir studijų populiarinimas
Apdovanojimai, įvertinimai
- Vilniaus universiteto rektoriaus premija
Institucija: Vilniaus universitetas.
Suteikta: už mokslo pasiekimus (už geriausią akademinę praktiką), 2021.
- L`Oréal-UNESCO Baltic “For Women in Science” stipendija
Institucija: Lietuvos nacionalinė UNESCO komisija ir Lietuvos mokslų akademija.
Suteikta: 2018.
Dėstomi dalykai
Archeologijos bakalauro studijų programa:
- Archeologijos įvadas (tema: Archeologijos tyrimų įvairovė ir metodai);
- Bioarcheologijos pagrindai;
- Žmogus ir jo aplinka.
Archeologijos magistro studijų programa:
- Nuo lauko darbų iki tyrimų laboratorijoje.
Gyvybės mokslų centro magistrantams:
- Augalų ir gyvūnų domestikacija.
Kursas doktorantams:
- Rytų Baltijos regionas maisto globalizacijos kontekste.