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Biografija:Tetiana Boriak is a researcher at History Faculty. She got her PhD in History in 2008. Now is completing her postdoctoral program and a dissertation thesis. Tetiana Boriak was born on September 3rd, 1981. She graduated from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in 2003. In 2004 she got her MA in history from this universtiy, and in 2006 – MA in history from Kansas University (Lawrence, KS, USA). In 2008 she defended her dissertation thesis on the topic of documental heritage of the Ukrainian emigration in interwar Czechoslovak Republic (reconstruction of the so called “Prague Archives”). In 2015 received a title of Associate Professor. Since 2008 till 2016 worked in the National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts. October 2020 – October 2022: Postdoctoral program Tinklai: |
Mokslo publikacijos
Main scientific publications (information provided in English)
1933: “Why Are You Still Alive?” / ed. Tetiana Boriak. – K., TOV “Publishing House “Clio””, 2016. 720 p. (editor; author of monographic part (pp. 21–118); winner of “the Book of the year” (2016) in category “research/documents” of nomination “History”.
The Documentary Heritage of the Ukrainian Emigration in Europe: the Prague Archives (1945–2010). Nizhyn, 2011. 544 p.
Reference book:
- Registry of declassified archival funds of Ukraine: Archival reference book. Declassified archival funds of the central state archives of Ukraine. Book 2: Central State Archives of High Organs of Power and Government of Ukraine / Edited by H. Hryhorchuk, S. Zvors’kyj, N. Makovs’ka; compiled by N. Makovs’ka (a head), Tetiana Boriak etc. Kyiv, 2012. 382 p.
- Study textbook “Records Management” for students of specialty “Document Study and Informational Activity” (6.020105). Kyiv, 2015. – 103 p.
Publications of oral history sources on the problem of the Holodomor in Ukraine (1932–1933): archeographical dimension // The Herald of Lviv University. Series: History. – 2022. Ed. 54. Pp. 187–204.
Interactively Mapped Holodomor Oral History: Geoinformation Systems Serve History // Research papers of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. 2022. Edition 64. Pp. 159–173.
“Self-edited” and falsified testimonies about the Holodomor: who and why created variable and untrue oral history narratives // Research Notes of Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhajlo Kotsiubyns’ky. Series: History. Ed. 41. Collection of research papers / Ed. O. Melnychuk. – Vinnytsia, VDPU, 2022. – P. 121–130.
Holodomor 1932–1933 in Ukraine: the genocide in documents, memory and oral testimonies [Holodomoras m. Ukrainos genocidas dokumentose, atmintyje ir sakytiniuose šaltiniuose] // Naujasis židinys-aidai. 2022, # 5. Pp. 13–20. In Lithuanian.
The toolkit of oral history in the context of the formation of a mass of oral history sources for the Holodomor in Ukraine of 1932–1933 // Scientific Journal of Polonia University (PNAP). 2022, vol. 52 nr 3 (Czestochowa 2022). Pp. 27–40.
The Harvard Oral History Project (beginning of 1950s): testimonies by refugees from the USSR about the 1932–1933 Famine // Litopys Volyni. All-Ukrainian Research Journal. 2022. # 26. Pp. 71–77.
Oral history sources about the Holodomor in Ukrainian occupational press during the Second World War// Manuscript and book heritage of Ukraine. 2022. - Issue. 28. - Pp. 390-403. - Режим доступу: http://rksu.nbuv.gov.ua/doc/rks_2022_28_23
Holodomor in UkrSSR in the Harvard Refugee Interview Project (1950–1953): Recalling of the Tragedy by Displaced Persons // Ukrainian Historical Journal. - 2022. - Число 2. - С. 79-90. - Access: http://resource.history.org.ua/publ/UIJ_2022_2_8
Oral history of displaced persons about the tragedy of the Great Famine in Ukraine as an instrument of discredit of Ukrainians in postwar Europe (1945 – beginning of 1950s) // Granі. – 2022. – Vol. 25. – № 2. – Pp. 35–43. Access: https://grani.org.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/1759/1727
Holodomor Oral History in the Project of W. Noll “Transformation of Civil Society”: recalling of the Great Famine in 1990s // Research Notes of Taurida V. I. Vernadsky National University. Series: historical sciences. – 2022. – Vol. 33 (72) № 2. – Pp. 9-15. Access: http://www.hist.vernadskyjournals.in.ua/33-72-2
Oral history sources about household searches during the 1932–33 Holodomor in Ukraine and Kuban. In: Ethnic History of People of Europe. – 2022. – Vol. 67. Pp. 82-91. Access: http://ethnic.history.univ.kiev.ua/data/2022/67/articles/10.pdf
Victor Kravchenko trial and Holodomor oral history: narrative about the famine in the testimonies of displaced people. In: Grani. Scientific and Theoretical Almanac. – 2022. – Vol. 25 (1). Pp. 27-32. Access: https://grani.org.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/1739
Food confiscation during the famine of 1932—1933 in Ukraine and Kuban in oral history sources: contemporary analysis. In: Narodoznavchi zoshyty. – 2021. – № 3 (159). Pp. 581-592. Access: https://nz.lviv.ua/archiv/2021-3/8.pdf
The first Ukrainian nationwide project “Electronic Archives of the Holodomor” (2003–2008): Notes about contemporary representation of internet resources on the Famine-genocide. In: The Xth international scientific and practical conference «Trends in the Development of Modern Scientific Thought», November 23-26, 2020. Vancouver, Canada. Pp. 206-209. Access: https://isg-konf.com/uk/trends-in-the-development-of-modern-scientific-thought-ua/?utm_source=eSputnik-promo&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Zb%D1%96rnik_mater%D1%96al%D1%96v_konferenc%D1%96%D1%97_%D1%94_dostupnim.&utm_content=976754182
Famine of 1932–1933 in the Russian Federation: conflict of oral history, commemorative practices and official politics of memory? In: Zaporizhzhia historical review. – 2020. – Vol. 3(55). Pp. 79-91. Access: https://istznu.org/index.php/journal/article/view/2307/2193
Famine of 1932–1933 in historical memory: Ukraine vs Russia (reflections over oral history sources). In: Ukrainian History Journal. – 2020. – Ch. 5. – С. 176-190. Access: http://resource.history.org.ua/publ/UIJ_2020_5_15; also: https://doi.org/10.15407/uhj2020.05.176
Holodomor oral history: to the question of interpretation of a historical source. In: Manuscript and Book Heritage of Ukraine. – 2020. – Issue 26. – Pp. 276-290. – Access: http://rksu.nbuv.gov.ua/cgi-bin/rksu/jrn.exe?I21DBN=LINK&P21DBN=RKSU&Z21ID=&S21REF=10&S21CNR=20&S21STN=1&S21FMT=ASP_meta&C21COM=S&2_S21P03=FILA=&2_S21STR=rks_2020_26_19
Memorial signs to the victims of the famine of 1932–1933-х in Russia: regional, chronological and ideological dimensions of politics of memory. In: Herald of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. History. – # 4(147). – 2020. – Pp. 5-13.
Oral history and archival documents as source base of Holodomor research: the problems of correlations. In: Oral history of non(lived-through) past: event – narrative – interpretation: Materials of International Research Conference, [c. Odesa], October 8-11, 2015. Editor-in-chief H. Hrinchenko. – Kharkiv, 2016. Pp. 35-52. – Access: http://oralhistory.com.ua/assets/images/documents/Event_the%20narrative_interpretation_2015_by%20page.pdf
Holodomor in the cities of Southern Ukraine // Archives. History. Nowadays. Edition 2. In: the Materials of II International Research Conference devoted to 95-th anniversary of the State Archive of Odesa Oblast’ (1920–2015), Odesa, September 3-4, 2015. Editor-in-chief V. Levchuk and others. Odesa, 2016. Pp. 62-67.
Confiscation of Food Reserves from Peasants of Ukraine in Winter of 1932–1933 in Documents and Survivors’ Testimonies. In: the Materials of III International Research Conference “Genocide of Ukraine in the XX century. Ukraine under occupational regimes: historical realities and postcolonial syndrome”, Lviv, April 4-5, 2014. Editor-in-chief Myroslav Fitsuliak. Lviv: Dobryj druk, 2015. Pp. 327-336. – Access: http://www.vox-populi.com.ua/rubriki/politika/konfiskaciaprodovolcihzapasivuselanavtorboraktetana
Archival heritage of Stanislav Dnistrians’ky as component of archival émigré Ukrainica. In: Judicial facts in the system of law regulation: the Materials of VI International Research Conference (Kyiv, November 26, 2015) (by 145th anniversary of the academician of All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences Stanislav Severynovych Dnistrians’ky (1870-1935). Kyiv, 2015. Pp. 29-44.
Contemporary tendencies of information management in the USA (according to the publications of the journal “Information Management”. In: Informational education and professional-communicative technologies of the XXI century: the Materials of VII International Research Conference (September 11-13, 2014, Odesa). Odesa, 2014. Pp. 33-45.
N. Levchuk, T. Boriak, O. Volovyna, O. Rudnyts’ky, A. Kovbasiuk. Losses of urban and rural population of Ukraine in the result of the Holodomor in 1932-1934: new estimations. In: Ukrainian Historical Journal. Vol. 4 (# 523). Pp. 84-112; revised version of the article was published in 2022 on a web-resource “Academia.edu”: https://www.academia.edu/80783423/Urban_and_Rural_Population_Losses_in_Ukraine_as_a_Result_of_the_Holodomor_in_1932_34_New_Estimates_?email_work_card=view-paper
Ukrainian Historical Cabinet and phenomenon of the Prague Archives. In: Ukraine on the Historiographic Map of Interwar Europe: the Materials of International Research Conference (Munich, July 1-3, 2012). Kyiv, 2014. P. 133-148.
Confiscation of non-grain reserves as one of the Holodomor instruments. In: Holod in Ukraine in the first half of 20 century: the reasons and the results : the Materials of International Research Conference. Kyiv, November 20-21, 2013. / Institute of Demography and Social Research named after M.V. Ptukha of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NAS); Institute of History of Ukraine of NAS of Ukraine; Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko; National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”. Kyiv, 2013. P. 187-191.
Extortion of non-grain reserves from peasants as beginning of Holodomor: official documents vs survivors’ testimonies. In: Research Papers of the International Association of Ukrainian Studies / [ed. H. Skrypnyk ; MAU, NAN of Ukraine, ІMFЕ named after М. Т. Ryl’s’kyj. – Vol. 6. – К., 2013. – Pp. 256-271. – Access: http://history.org.ua/LiberUA/NaukZapMAU6_2013/NaukZapMAU6_2013.pdf
Pedagogical Heritage of Arkadij Zhyvotko: Return of the Name. In: Visnyk of Central State Archives in Foreign Ucrainica: scientific edition. Kyiv, 2013. Vol. 2. P. 76-86.
Archival sphere in Ukraine in context of informational society building: declared intentions and real progress. In: A Person in Informational Society. Materials of Research Seminar. Kremenchuk, 2013. P. 26–34.
Polish projects on search and return of national archival heritage. In: Document, Language, Society: Theory and Practice. Materials of International Scholarly-practical Conference (Kyiv, April 11-12, 2013). Kyiv, 2013. P. 97-100.
Formation of contemporary direction of Archival ucrainica development: elaboration of academic and archival projects (1992-1998). In: Source Study. Library Study. Informational Activity. Kyiv, 2012. # 3-4. P. 9-17.
Food help of Kremlin as a tool of Holodomor in Ukraine. In: Atrocities of Totalitarian regimes in Ukraine: research and educational view. Materials of International Research Conference (Vinnytsia, November 21-22, 2009). Kyiv, 2012. P. 10–33.
Holodomor, The Great Ukrainian Famine of 1932-33: Responces of the West. Excerpts from the Documents. Selection and English Translation. URL: http://www.history.org.ua/?litera&id=8044&navStart=1.
Podillia activists in the Archival Ucrainica documents of the State Central Archives of Higher Bodies of Power and Governance of Ukraine. In: Contemporary Methods of Conservation of Documents and New Methodological Approaches to Researches and Usage of National Fund of Ukraine Documents. Scientific Collection of Articles Based on the Results of All-Ukrainian Research-Practical Conference. Kam’ianets’-Podil’s’kyj National University named after I. Ohijenko, 2012. P. 245-253.
Archival Ucrainica: notes to a question of research direction evolution. In: Visnyk of Central State Archives in Foreign Ucrainica: scientific edition. Kam’ianets’-Podil’s’kyj, 2012. Vol. 1. P. 47-58.
Contemporary condition of access to retrospective archival documents of Ukraine. In: Document: History, Theory, Practice. A Collection of Articles of V All-Russian Scientific-Research Conference with International Participation (Toms’k, October 27-28, 2011). Ed. prof. O. A. Kharus. Toms’k: Editorial House of Toms’k University, 2012. P. 112-126.
Concept “Ucrainica” in practical activity of search and return of Archival Ucrainica from Russia (1917 – mid. 1930-s). In: Special History Disciplines: the questions of theory and methodic. Part 18. Actual Problems of Numismatics in the system of special branches of history science. K., 2011. P. 38-43.
“Archival Ucrainica”: history of establishment of the term. In: Terminology of Source Study and Adjacent Sciences. Issue 5.–K.., 2011. P. 100–105.
Archival Ucrainica as a product of activity of Ukrainian Emigration: twenty years of research (1990-2010). In: Ukrainian Study Almanac, Issue 5. K., 2011. P. 224-227.
Ukrainian Free University fund in the library segment of the “The Prague Archives”. In: Library Visnyk, 2011, # 1. P. 52–58.
Соntent of the term “The Prague Archives”. In: Source Study. Library Study. Informational Activity: the Problems of Science, Education and Practice. Proceedings of the V International Scholarly-practical Conference. Kyiv, 2011. P. 216-217.
Political activist, head of the Ukrainian emigration archives Arkadij Zhyvotko in the events of the first half of the XX c. In: Materials of the III-V research seminars “Role of Outstanding Personalities – Artists, Researchers and Cultural Activists in a Process of National Self-consciousness Formation in the end of XIX – beginning of XX c. Kyiv, 2011. P. 261-273.
The “Prague Archives” in TsDAVO of Ukraine: the problems of quantitative amount estimation. In: Studies in Archival Practice and Document Science. 2011. Vol. 19. P. 10-17.
Symon Narizhnyj – gatherer and preserver of museum and documentary heritage and Ukraine. In: Materials of the VI Research Seminars “Role of Outstanding Personalities – Artists, Researchers and Cultural Activists in a Process of National Self-consciousness Formation in the end of XIX – beginning of XX c. Kyiv, 2011. P. 19-32.
Formation of contemporary direction of Archival Ucrainica: the Program “Archival and Manuscript Ucrainica…” (1991). In: Library Study. Source Study. Information Science. 2011. # 4. P. 4-9.
The “Prague Archives”. In: Encyclopedia of history of Ukraine. Vol. 8. Pa-Pryk. – Kyiv, 2011. P. 487–488.
Beginning of the Operational Investigation of the “Prague Archives”: (1945-1946). In: The Archives of Ukraine. 2010. № 2. P. 47-57.
Boriak Tetiana, Koval’ Olena. Narizhnyj Symon. In: Encyclopedia of history of Ukraine. Vol. 7. Ml-O. – Kyiv: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2010. P. 175–176.
Bibliography of research works on Archival Ucrainica: notes to bibliographic gains and losses 2005-2010. In: Library Study. Source Study. Information Science. 2010. # 4. P. 12-20.
The “Prague Archives” as a tool of state policy realization of “enemy of people” search. In: Scientific Pepars of the National University “Ostrih Academy” : History Scineces. Vol. 15. – Ostroh. 2010. P. 225-237.
Documentary Ukrainica”: to the question of conceptualization of a study discipline. In: Source Study. Library Study. Information Activity: the Problems of Science, Education and Practice. Proceedings of the V International Scholarly-Practical Conference. Kyiv, 2008. P. 223-226.
Émigré Ucrainica of interwar period (the “Prague Archives”): historiography of the problem, content and scope of the concept. In: Historiographical and Source-Study Problems of History of Ukraine. Theory. Methodology. Practice (Inter-Universities Series of Research Works). Dnipropetrovs’k, 2009. P. 104–114 (combined issue of 2009–2010).
History of the former special repository of the State research archival library as a repository of library collections of “the Prague archives”. In: Library Visnyk, 2009, # 2. P. 14–19.
Inscriptions in a library segment of the “Prague Archives” (State Research Archival Library, Kyiv). In: Manuscript and Book Heritage, 2009, # 13. P. 127-138.
Fond files (“Spravy fondiv”) as a source for reconstruction of initial content of “the Prague Archives”. In: Source Study. Library Study. Information Activity: the Problems of Science, Education and Practice. Proceedings of the V International Scholarly-practical Conference. Kyiv, 2008. P.198-199.
“Prague” library holdings in the State Research Archival Library: the reconstruction of the émigré collections of the Interwar Czechoslovak Republic. In: Scientific Issue of the Czernivtsi University: the Collection of the Scientific Articles. History/Political Sciences. International Relations. – Czernivtsi: Ruta, 2008. – Issue. 378–379. P. 186–188.
Czechoslovak Republic as living environment of the Ukrainian emigration in interwar period. In: The Questions of Art, Anthropology and Folklore Studies, Vol. 4, by The Institute of Art, Anthropology and Folklore Studies Named After K.Krapivy NAS (National Academy of Science) of Belarus’, red. A.I.Lakotka. Minsk, 2008. P. 194–199.
The work of the trophy brigades on return of the Ukrainian archives, transferred by the Nazis. In: Source Study. Library Study. Informational Activity: the Problems of Science, Education and Practice. Proceedings of the V International Scholarly-practical Conference. Kyiv, 2008. P. 198–199.
Transfer of the “Prague Archives” of the Ukrainian emigration from Prague to Kyiv (1945–1983). In: Library Study. Source Study. Information Science, 2008, # 1. P. 30–38.
The “Prague Archives”: history of transfer, working up and modern condition (1945-2007). In: Library Visnyk, 2008, # 4. P. 19–24.
Some Aspects of “Russian” Refugees’ Condition in Interwar Europe in the Report of the Royal Institute for International Affairs. In: Pam’iatky: Archeographic Annual, 2006, vol. 6. P. 70-73.
The Attribution aspect of the photo documents of MVBU (the Museum of the Struggle for Liberation of Ukraine) and UIK (Ukrainian Historical Cabinet) on the basis of the TsDAVO and TsDKFFA of Ukraine. In: The Museum of the Struggle for Liberation of Ukraine. In Commemoration of 80th Anniversary. Proceedings of a Conference. Prague, 2006. P. 91-100.
[Archival sources for history of the “Prague Archives” transfer and processing]. In: Patricia Kennedy Grimsted, The “Prague Archives” in Kyiv and Moscow: Postwar Retrieval of Émigré Archival Ucrainica. Translation, scientific edition and work on appendixes by Tetiana Boriak. Kyiv, 2005. – P. 67–234.
The organizational-financial conditions for existence of Ukrainian emigration institutions in the Czechoslovak Republic in 1920-1930s (on materials from the TsDAVO Ukrainy). In: Archives of Ukraine, 2004, # 4–6. P. 175-184.
Your University – A Free University…” (a history of the UVU (Ukrains'kyj Vilnyj Universitet, or Ukrainian Free University) during the German occupation). In: Archives of Ukraine, 2002, # 1–3. P. 259–268.
Personal files of the Ukrainian scientific and cultural activists in the State Central Archive of Prague. In: Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University, Kyiv, History Section, 2005. – № 77–79. – P. 111-112; URL: http://www.archives.gov.ua/Publicat/Researches/Praga.php
Studies of Ukrainian history at the Ukrainian centers in Czechoslovakia during 1920–1930. In: Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University, Kyiv, History Section, 2001, # 54. P. 73–75.
Mokslo projektai
Fulbright Research Scholarship
- GIS-Atlas of the Holodomor
Manager: Tetiana Boriak, Prof. Dr. Serhii Plokhii.
The aim of the project: to locate with the help of geoinformation system data from oral history testimonies of Holodomor survivors on the map.
Project results: Academic editor and complier of data for the interactive map, “The Great Famine in Ukraine 1932-1934”, Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute, modul “Testimonies”. Access: https://harvard-cga.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=f7592aad617f486390d086f91bb24be3
Activities in the project: Executive.
Ekspertinė veikla
2010–2017: assistant of the journalist, researcher, columnist of the Washington Post, Pullitzer Prize winner Anne Applebaum in the project of preparation for a Western audience of an English-language book about the Holodomor in Ukraine. The result of collaboration was the book “Red Famine: Stalin’s War on Ukraine” (2017).
2020, peer review for the journal Russian Review.
2017, summer, processing and systematization of archives on the famine in the USSR and Ukraine and the Holodomor (copies of the documents from the 1930-s from the Russian archives) in Ptoupha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
2012, October 1 – June 30, deputy director, Institute of Management, National Academy of Cadres in Culture and Arts.
2010, December 7, a second opponent of dissertation defense “The restitution state police of Ukraine in the field of cultural treasures (1991-2009)”.
Mokslo leidinių redakcinės kolegijos
Publications of Ukrainian institutions:
- Library Study. Document Study. Information Science
Activities: Responsible secretary, member of an editorial board, 2009–2013.
Apdovanojimai, įvertinimai
- Winner of the competetion “Book of the Year”, nomination “History”
Institution: Selection Committee “Book of the year”.
Given: for the book “1933: “Why Are You Still Alive?”” / ed. Tetiana Boriak. – K., TOV “Publishing House “Clio””, 2016. 720 p. (editor; author of monography part (pp. 21–118). Winner of “the Book of the year” (2016) in category “research/documents” of nomination “History”.
Dėstomi dalykai
Bachelor’s programme in the field of records management and archival studies:
- International Information
- Theory and Practice of Records Management
- Archival Study.
Master’s programme in the field of records management and archival studies:
- Archival Ucrainica – Documentary Heritage of Ukraine
- Archival Management.